easybake's lounge
last update: august 1, 2024
essay topic ideas:
- loss of critical thinking, dependence on external players (social media, news, family) for thoughts and opinions, hive mind?
- importance and reasoning behind digital annomynity -irl you only share with strangers what you want to -ways on how to
- humanities purpose in the modern age, difference between developed and "under-developed" civilizations, globalizations part in the shift/it's role
- western Renaissance: reason behind a need for higher society, ie masters golf vs liv, will we come into an age of inventions soon or a dark age
- impact of constant content consumption, tie into critical thinking
- impact of constant knowledge, any peice of info is available in our pockets, but does that limit creativity
- why i feel the need to answer questions on a grand societal, western civilization scale, instead of focusing on what is near and dear to me, does constant connection online shift priorities from personal to grand scale, and impact that has